Lovely! This makes me feel like our own train trip to Shanghai might be okay--even if we have to take the slow train with the hard seats.

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Your language here is so evocative! I’ve never been to China, but I felt like you took me right along with you!

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This brings back fond memories of my rail trip from Chengdu to Xi'an when I visited in the summer of 2019. Something that blew my mind was just how different the land became from the city to the rural lands. Regardless though it was beautiful. Made me wish we had a high-speed rail in the US too lol.

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Fun! I haven't taken that route (only visited Chengdu very briefly for work in the past) but I know it must go through the mountains and mountain routes are always beautiful!

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Yeah you're absolutely right! Those moments right before it cut through the mountains were always so amazing.

I was going to mention that Chengdu is much nicer of a city to visit, but I don't think that's entirely fair to say because in Chengdu I traveled with someone from there whereas in Xi'an I was there with the same person and she'd only been as a young child so we relied on more touristy things so I don't think I have a fair comparison at all.

Either way, pardon my rant!

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Thank you for taking me on this journey with you!

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Thanks for joining me!

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